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A Lopez Galvez/Family Website?
I created this website for the family a few years ago. because I realized that in a few short years we had have experienced the loss of almost an entire generation of our family. All of our parents who were the children of Manuel Lopez Ruiz and Librada Galvez Lopez, as well as so many of their cousins are now no longer with us. During their lives, our parents too at times fell victim to misunderstandings, fueds, and anger that unfortunately sometimes got the best of them. Yet they passed on to many of our generation, the grandchildren of Manuel and Librada, the cousins a respect for the importance of family.
As the family has grown with two more generations, we are increasingly splintered and scattered across the country. Circumstances are such that many of the family have never met. It was my fear that the story of our family, our shared history would be lost with the passing of time. I believe that the grandchildren of Manuel and Librada have now inherited the responsibility to pass on an appreciation of our family history to our childen and grandchldren, the great and great great grandchildren of Manuel and Librada.
It is my hope that this website and the material that will over time be added to it, will become something very positive to our family. A reminder of a history and family legacy which binds us together as a family.
Feliz Navidad, un nuevo sitio web de la familia va en lÃnea!
En los últimos años hemos experimentado la pérdida de casi toda una generación de nuestra familia. Todos nuestros padres que eran los hijos de Manuel López Ruiz y Librada Gálvez López, asà como muchos de sus primos ya no están con nosotros. Durante su vida nuestros padres también a veces fueron vÃctimas de malos entendidos, fueds y rabia que por desgracia a veces tiene lo mejor de ellos. Sin embargo, se pasó a nuestra generación, los primos un respeto por la importancia de la familia.
Ahora, con la familia de nuevo dividido y disperso en todo el paÃs, la familia ha crecido por dos generaciones más. Los nietos de Manuel y Librada ahora han heredado la responsabilidad de transmitir una apreciación de nuestra historia familiar para nuestros childen y grandchldren, los grandes y tataranietos de Manuel y Librada.
Es mi esperanza que este sitio web y el material que con el tiempo se añade a la misma, se convertirá en algo muy positivo para nuestra familia. Un recordatorio de una historia y el legado de la familia que nos une como familia.